David Morrison
David Morrison

With over 30 years in the Information Technology and Communications industries, we have the experience to provide you with a variety of effective IT services at very reasonable rates.

Small business or home users - all have similar concerns with their computers - why won't it do what I want it to, and can I do it better without costing a lot of money?

Our experience can help you!

Mac and Windows

We have been using and supporting Macs since 1984, and Windows since XP in 2002.There are few problems we have not come across, and fewer still that we have not been able to resolve.

Whether it is slowness, viruses, crashing, difficulty with new devices, software installation, training - or whatever - we can help.

Internet, Web, E-mail

Very few people can now survive without the Internet. Critical parts of our lives depend on e-mail or web sites. It must be reliable and effective, while retaining privacy and security.

We can help with advice on extending Internet access throughout your business or home, hosting, managing spam, and efficient e-mail and web use to maximise its value to you.

Networks and Servers

Small business depends on computers, and especially servers. We have many years of experience selecting, planning, installing and operating servers of all sizes. Fast performance, security, backup, reliability, effective network infrastructure are vitally important issues to keep the business going.

Even home users are now installing servers to stream media through the house. We can advise on economical solutions.

Modern Technology

Many devices in our modern lives are in fact small computers, and many suffer similar complexity to larger computers. It can be a struggle to navigate through menus and cables to do something as simple as watch TV or use an advanced mobile phone.

Our many years of experience with leading edge technologies means we can tackle even devices we have not seen before and get them working properly.

Our Services

We can help you in these and many other ways:

• Resolution of performance and other problems

• Advice on upgrades or replacement of computer systems and equipment

• Maintaining the security of your computers and network

• Installing cabling or wifi around your home or business premises

• One-on-one or group tutoring customised to your needs

• Preventive maintenance, such as a Spring Clean where we review your computer, apply all outstanding updates, check for viruses and other malware, check disk integrity, and suggest things you might do to improve the experience.

• Serving Newcastle, Lake Macquarie and the lower Hunter Valley.


0427 783059


PO Box 105
NSW 2285

Read my blog for tips on computing topics.

Copyright © 2013 David Morrison